Alexandra Ståhl

Senior Associate


With extensive knowledge in dispute resolution, credit and debt law, as well as privacy and data protection issues, I provide advisory services to both small and large businesses across various sectors. My specialisation in AI and data protection enables me to help companies navigate the legal requirements they face.

Thanks to my previous experience as an in-house data protection officer, I am able to offer practical and concrete guidance on compliance. I provide support in implementing effective data protection measures and ensuring that the company adheres to applicable regulations. In today’s fast-paced digital landscape, it is valuable to have an advisor who understands both the legal and technical aspects.

In addition to this, I assist with drafting and negotiating commercial contracts and terms, as well as developing policies.


University of East London, Bachelor of Laws LLB, 2011-2014
BPP Law School, Legal Practice Course (LPC), 2014-2015
BPP Law School, Master of Laws LLM, 2018-2019
Stockholms universitet, Master of Laws LLM, 2022-2024

Professional Background

Biträdande jurist, Engström & Hellman Advokatbyrå AB, 2021-
Dataskyddsombud och processjurist, Sileo Kapital AB, 2019-2021
Dataskyddsombud, Interkredit, 2019-2021
Rådgivare, Colligent, 2017-2019


”Vad betyder Schrems II-domen och GDPR för användandet av digitala verktyg i skolan?”, Skolon, 12 maj 2022

