Cecilia Hagen



My area of expertise is in credit and debt law, as well as dispute resolution in all its forms. It is also in this field that I primarily work as an advisor to large debt collection agencies and banks.

My work covers everything from large-scale cases in various areas to smaller debt disputes. For me, the business benefit for clients is the most important aspect, and I am committed to ensuring that every assignment I am involved in, regardless of its size, receives the attention and expertise it requires and deserves.

In addition, law for non-profit organisations and regulatory matters related to the new NPL legislation are particular focus areas for me.


Juristprogrammet vid Handelshögskolan, Göteborgs Universitet, 2016-2021

Professional Background

Biträdande jurist, Engström & Hellman Advokatbyrå, 2021-
Uppsatspraktikant, Advokatfirman Glimstedt, 2020
Sommarnotarie, Kammarrätten i Jönköping, 2020

