Henrik Åström-Larsson

Lawyer/ Partner

I am an attorney and partner, originally from Northern Sweden. I am passionate about tackling complex challenges and transforming them into clear, practical solutions for my clients—whether it involves litigation, negotiating contracts, or managing corporate transactions.

My particular areas of interest include leasing, factoring, and other credit and financing products. I take pride in helping businesses navigate these often intricate areas with confidence and precision.

I firmly believe in the value of long-term business relationships, where the benefits and sustainability of our advice remain front and centre. My goal is to be a committed and solutions-driven partner, supporting my clients through both challenges and successes.


Juristprogrammet, Umeå universitet
Cambridge, Anglia Ruskin University

Professional Background

Partner Engström & Hellman Advokatbyrå, 2019-
Biträdande jurist Engström & Hellman Advokatbyrå, 2014-2019
Tingsnotarie, Ångermanlands tingsrätt, 2013-2014
Biträdande jurist, Advokatbyrån Atheo AB, 2012
Biträdande jurist, Bolagsrätt Sundsvall AB, 2011-2012


Ledamot av Sveriges Advokatsamfund 2017-

