Johanna Forsberg

Chief Financial Officer


As Chief Financial Officer at Engström & Hellman Law Firm, I am responsible for leading and developing the firm’s administrative team, with a focus on ensuring an efficient and well-functioning internal structure. In my role, I am part of the management team, where I contribute financial analysis and strategic insights to support the firm’s long-term objectives.

I am motivated by the opportunity to identify and implement improvements and efficiency measures, including the optimisation of internal processes and cost structures. Through meticulous follow-up and reporting, I aim to lay the groundwork for informed business decisions. My role combines strategic oversight with operational responsibility, strengthening the firm’s governance and contributing to its ongoing success.


Ekonomprogrammet, Högskolan i Halmstad

Professional Background

Ekonom, Engström & Hellman Advokatbyrå AB, 2021-
Redovisningskonsult, Redio AB, 2019 – 2021
Projektekonom, Knightec AB, 2017-2019
Ekonomiassistent / Kontorsansvarig, Xenit AB, 2015 – 2017

